Olayinka Ponnle is a drama minister, wife, mother, sister, and daughter. For the love of mental health within families, she founded Children of Hope Global Alliance Foundation (CHIGAF) in response to the accused and abused children tagged as “witches” in Eset Eket, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria. She then worked and donated medical supplies to youth and children’s homes in Abeokuta, Ogun State as she worked alongside Dr. Soyinka.
Olayinka continues to work with at-risk youths in the United States. She mentors girls on Facebook, (Habitation of Hope), a safe community of peers with similar experiences waiting to listen and, a non-judgmental community for young girls and ladies regardless of ethnicity, race, or creed.
Olayinka is currently the National director of membership for North America Conference of Evangelical Drama Minister (NACEDRAM), the USA zone publicity director and the lead for social media at Mount Zion Institute Alumni International Fellowship (MZIAIF). She is also the Public Relations Officer for Vision Carriers, Texas. Olayinka is a Rehabilitation Therapist and a substance abuse counselor to rehabilitate adults experiencing psychosis and other mental and substance misuse disorders. She has developed a habit of searching for the Word of God and correlating it to mental health for total freedom and deliverance.
In her spare time, she loves shopping, traveling, event planning and decor.