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About Mount Zion Institute Alumni International Fellowship (MZIAIF)
Welcome to Mount Zion Institute Alumni International Fellowship (MZIAIF). MZIAIF is the international alumni fellowship of the global Christian Drama & Film Institute of Mount Zion Faith Ministry International, founded by Evangelist Mike Bamiloye. Mount Zion Faith Ministry International is the leading Christian film maker in Africa with a rapidly growing alumni fellowship of Christian film makers all over the world. The alumni fellowship of the local institute, Mount Zion Institute Alumni Association (MZIAA), began about 30 years ago in Nigeria. However, COVID-19 gave the opportunity for an online engagement of the Mount Zion Institute which gave birth to the MZIAIF (Mount Zion Institute Alumni International Fellowship) on August 8th, 2020, with the aim to raise millions of drama & film army across the world. Therefore, the Mount Zion Institute Alumni is divided into two, MZIAA (local in Nigeria) and MZIAIF (International); both working together to achieve the same purpose.

Our Objectives
To encourage the growth of Christian drama ministers, ministries, and bodies through training, conferences, workshops, information sharing, and networking, especially in film productions.

MZIAF is currently active in 5 regions, which are divide into 14 zones. We are present in 60 countries of the world.

The Five Regions
1. Africa-Middle East Region – Covering African countries (except Nigeria) and the Middle East countries.
2. Americas Region – Covering North and South American countries.
3. Australasia Region – Covering Australia Pacific countries and Asian countries except the Middle East.
4. Europe Region – Covering all European countries
5. Nigeria Region.


Africa-Middle East Region (Excluding Nigeria): Americas Region:


Australasia Region:


Europe Region:


Nigeria Region:


1.       Benin Republic

2.       Botswana

3.       Burkina Faso

4.       Cameroon

5.       Equatorial Guinea

6.       Egypt

7.       Ghana

8.       Iraq

9.       Kenya

10.   Malawi

11.   Mali

12.   Namibia

13.   Niger

14.   Qatar

15.   Rwanda

16.   Saudi Arabia

17.   South Africa

18.   Togo

19.   UAE

20.   Uganda

21.   Zimbabwe

22.   Barbados

23.   Belize

24.   Canada

25.   Dominica

26.   Guyana

27.   Jamaica

28.   Trinidad & Tobago

29.   USA


30.   Australia

31.   China

32.   Hong Kong

33.   India

34.   Malaysia

35.   New Zealand

36.   Philippines

37.   South Korea


38.   Austria

39.   Belarus

40.   Czech Republic

41.   Cyprus

42.   Belgium

43.   Estonia

44.   Finland

45.   France

46.   Germany

47.   Hungary

48.   Ireland

49.   Italy

50.   North Cyprus

51.   Norway

52.   Poland

53.   Russia

54.   Spain

55.   Sweden

56.   Switzerland

57.   Turkey

58.   Ukraine

59.   UK

60.   Nigeria


To become a member of MZIAIF you only need to attend the basic certificate course in Christian Drama & Film Production. Schedules of the class are available on our website. For more information visit : mziaif.org

Come and join this army of purpose as we advance the Kingdom of Christ daily until the return of Christ.

To join MZI, attend one of the MZI Institute training either virtually or physically at the Mount Zion Habitation of Faith in Ile Ife, Nigeria.
MZI Membership is automatic once the Basic MZI Training is completed. For 2025 training schedules click the link : mziaif.org